Hope, determination, excitement and courage are in the air here in Las Vegas aka Sin City, the home of eternal Elvis impersonators and chapels that change lives in ways that only Hollywood can best depict. Here’s what I adore about the life force and energy beast of this city sitting on the fringes of sanity in the heart of the desert – the moment you land at the airport, you arrive at a level playing field. Take that in for a moment. What happens here usually stays here (according to the Las Vegas brand) and as we learned through the movies, one can be anyone or anything they would like to, or no one at all. This is the exciting part of attending a conference in Las Vegas – the air of anything is possible. No holds barred, no boundaries on our imagination and our only responsibility being to embody this during our journey.
We are at a confluence of innovation and human potential at the Annual HR Technology Conference (#HRTechConf).Technology has been developed and platforms have been designed, tested and await the reaction of those who will write, talk and lead new ways of living on the clock and off. The greatest of blurred lines is the one that appears between work and play in the social HR sandbox – MY sandbox and for me, this event is all about learning – in every sense of the word, starting with enterprise learning.

My curiosity at #HRTechConf is guided by the pursuit of answering these questions:
As we continue to have unprecedented access to a growing reservoir of knowledge while being inundated with the noise of useless information…
How do we create Lean Learning opportunities in the workplace?
Who are the disruptors designing and facilitating the types of exchanges and encounters that create best places to work while pioneering the new frontier for employee engagement and getting sh!t done?
Which platforms are fundamentally changing the way we cultivate lasting relationships with the art and science of knowledge acquisition – creating love affairs with micro learning?
My hustle:
Conscious Disruption – “Show Up (check). Be Curious (check). Raise the Game.” (let’s talk – I’ll be in the blogger’s lounge or at your booth).